Real estate advertisements / Property offers:
Real estate sorted by country and kind of real estate
Austria Real estate
- Apartments
- Business premises, commercial premises
- Commercial building
- Commercial real estate, business objects, commercial enterprises
- Double / Terraced houses
- Garages / Carparking
- Gastronomy, bars
- Holiday properties
- Houses
- Investments
- Land/Forestry
- Offices / practices
- Plot Agriculture / Forestry
- Plots / Land
- Storage Rooms
- Villas / Luxury Real Estates
Germany Real estate
- Apartments
- Business premises, commercial premises
- Commercial building
- Commercial real estate, business objects, commercial enterprises
- Double / Terraced houses
- Energy plants
- Gastronomy, bars
- Holiday properties
- Hotels
- Houses
- Investments
- Land/Forestry
- Offices / practices
- Other offers
- Plot Agriculture / Forestry
- Plots / Land
- Villas / Luxury Real Estates
- assisted living
Switzerland Real estate
- Apartments
- Business premises, commercial premises
- Commercial building
- Commercial real estate, business objects, commercial enterprises
- Double / Terraced houses
- Energy plants
- Gastronomy, bars
- Holiday properties
- Hotels
- Houses
- Investments
- Offices / practices
- Plot Agriculture / Forestry
- Plots / Land
- Villas / Luxury Real Estates